Once the table has been completed and exported as a CSV file from Excel go to the Risk Table app and open a new table. Selected Import Risks… from the File menu and locate the file saved earlier, and press OK (Note this option is only available in new Risk Table files which have not yet been edited).
If the file is correctly formatted, a confirmation message will be given of the number of risks read. Should there be any formatting issues in the file, the file will not be read but a list of possible errors and their location in the spreadsheet will be included in the on-screen dialog. Correct the issues and try again.
Once risks have been imported, the option to Import Actions… becomes available as long as now actions have been created directly in Risk Table. Follow the same process above to load the actions CSV sheet.
Once a new risk table has been created and saved the option to Export Risks & Actions… is activated. This reverses the process above and creates a CSV file of both risks and actions in the current risk table which can be opened in Excel, using the Delimited… option with a comma separator.