enabling better decision making

Decisions are the life’s blood of any organisation but how much attention do you pay to how you take those decisions?

I have 35 years of experience in a major energy company as a preparer, facilitator and taker of decisions. Along the way I have developed a passion for the science & psychology of decision making, and the simple but effective tools, processes and leadership behaviours that can make decisions dramatically better.

Let my software help you improve how you debate, design and execute decisions in your own organisation.

iPhone / iPad and Mac Applications

Decision Table is a simple app to help you take better decisions. For any decision, personal or business, it helps capture the alternatives available and then match each of these to the criteria by which you want to judge the decision.   The result is a simple one-page summary which facilitates discussion and an unbiased assessment of the best path forward.

Decision Hierarchy is a tool to help individuals and teams focus on the most strategic decisions at hand in a project.  How often have you been in a meeting where the discussion spins off into some topic that is either already decided, or in reality something that can be decided later, or even just a hobby-horse of a single person in the room.  A decision hierarchy is a great way of separating these out and focussing only on the decisions that really merit the group’s time.  

Decision Force Field is a tool to help individuals and teams debate the drivers and barriers to change associated with a new decision.  Any decision leading to change will generate different views, some in favour and some opposing change.  A force field analysis can capture these and graphically represent the debate.

Strategy Table is an app that helps you combine a number of decisions together to form different self-consistent, coherent strategies. Given that each decision in a project could have a number of different options, use Strategy Table to define different paths through those options. Each path represents a different potential strategy.

Latest Blog Posts

Decision Table Help

Decision Table Help Decision Table operates in two modes controlled by the pen symbol at the top right of the tool bar.  Editing Mode In

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Decision Hierarchies

One of the simplest tools in the opportunity framing toolkit is the Decision Hierarchy. It’s not just useful in developing a decision road map though,

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