About Decision Pathways

Decisions are at the core of any organization’s success or failure. A sequence of good decisions can set the path to outstanding outcomes by accessing upside potential. Poor decisions can rapidly erode that potential, and compounded poor decisions can be business threatening. 

Despite their importance, many organizations pay limited if any attention to how they take important decisions. As a result they are not benefitting from a greatly expanded body of research in recent decades on the science & psychology of good (& bad) decision making. A considered approach to significant decisions, implementing a variety of effective, but remarkably easy-to-use and highly scalable tools, has been shown to markedly improve business strategy at all levels. Bringing conscious thought to mitigation measures, exit routes and iteration strategies can also effectively minimise the risk of downside outcomes. 

Decision Pathways has been set up to help organizations, and the teams within them, take advantage of these approaches, through one or more of: 

  • Observation – “fly on the wall” observation of decision processes and feedback to senior stakeholders, including recommendations on potential improvement areas 
  • Decision training – team training on recommended approaches to improving decision quality, including practice examples and starting templates in familiar office software. 
  • Decision coaching/support – direct support in developing active decisions including framing facilitation, option development, characterisation of those options against organisational values & objectives, definition of additional work required to improve the information influencing decisions, presentation of final decision recommendations etc. 
  • Advisory Support – independent participation in key decisions including advice on additional questions to ask, information to gather, bias avoidance, checklists, risk mitigation measures etc. Each team, organization and decision is different but the approaches I can help you develop, are flexible, scalable and quick to implement. 

I bring to the table 35 years of experience in a global multi-national, where I have worked on all sides of decision making from being a trained decision facilitator, through preparing & presenting major decisions as a project/opportunity manager, to being a decision executive for major decisions with significant capital and safety consequences in high risk environments across the world from Australia to West Africa to the USA. 

If you think I can help you or your organization, please contact me by clicking the contact button on this page.